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Destroying the Vedic Education System


         Under this crooked plan of Macaulay,  and in the course of time  MaxMuller  , Cunningham and  dozens of dishonest scholars joined hands  and started perverting  the  History of India .

         It is only from 1850 onwards that fraudulent theories and dogmas such as, Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) , Sindhu Valley civilization,  Vedic rishis eating beef , Ayodhya located in Afganistan,  and the word ‘Hindu’ coined by alien invaders.  

        False concepts were floated in the air to confuse and destabilize the Hindus . 


            Ancient Gurukulas  which produced quality persons were banned  with law enforcement, and Christian British education

was imposed on the young people of India. Now that young generation is adult and old and repeating and promoting the same false perverted dictums which ruined their life spiritually.

        There was a hope after Independence it will be taken care of  but due to misfortune  of India, the Muslim / Communist rule masquerading  as secularism  enslaved India, the Hindus , Sikhs , Buddhists , Jains and every body’s children is students  of this Christian British brainwashing  education.

        This has made a  complex , harmful  and dangerous burden for the society , the nation, and the real growth of Hindu Dharma.

        Westernized Hindu people, love very much and are proud of their brainwashed, complicated, good for nothing except dollar-piling and money making, sensational joy obsessed kids.


        Instead of Muslim Nehru, had our Subhash or Patel become PM, India would have not lost her new generation to the complicated West.


        Although now, even great scholars of America have proved and  have written many books proving  Aryan Invasion Theory as a sheer  myth,  still not all of these education institutions  and their students  are repairing their brainwashing and suicidal attitude which was induced by The enslaving British education system.


        It is our humble effort to bring a mass awakening among,  not only

Hindus of India but all seekers of Truth from  the 7 billion people of  the world because they are also victims of  violence , plunder and brainwashing  enforced upon them 2000 years ago  when they were converted into  their present creeds.


         Our Vedic education taught us respect for our ancestors.

ChristianBritish education taught  Charles Darvin’s  view that  humanity’s ancestors were apes. Now who could possibly respect those monkeys?


        Gurukulas taught us, honor your parents as if they are gods.

Now our kids learn that parents were enjoying sex, and unwantedly

they popped up in an accident. So what’s the point of being grateful to them.

        Let us fallow Jesus who taught, ‘’stand against them (the parents).’’ Dump them in old man’s home. If they have big money only then visit or do good to them.


        Hindu education system taught us, honor your teachers.

        Christian British education said, we pay them fees in advance, they are like servants.

        They are worse than servants, and no wonder the students have no respect for or obligation to them, for they themselves eye on girls lustfully, just  like the young students.


        Hindu education taught us be respectful and sharing to guests and


        Christian British taught, nope , they are unwanted intrusion into our privacy, so it is foolish to have a service attitude to them.  Being nice to them is enough.


        Today, Christianized Hindus do not understand the value of their wise ,well wishing ancestors. Their mind functions as a cunning fox.

Their habits and instincts  are clever, deceptive , treacherous.


        Only readopting Hindu Dharma and strongly abiding by it is the only Great way to save them from mass spiritual suicide and global destruction.  



May  God  help them.

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